I have been baking since I was a little girl but it's only the last couple of years that I came to truly enjoy it. I never had much inclination to bake when at home with my family in Kent. Except on my birthday. I always made my own birthday cake since I was not fond of the store bought kind. Now I live with my boyfriend and his family in Markinch and they really enjoy the things I make, which is the perfect excuse to bake. And if they don't want them then the teachers at the local primary school usually do so there's always someone to eat them and nothing is wasted.
This blog is something to keep me amused. I like baking very much and now feel the need to keep a record of what I bake. I usually resort to the Internet when I'm stuck on something, and even for some recipes. So I figure I can both show off my bakes and provide some sort of commentary. By no means am I a professional baker. Not at all. This is for fun but if anyone out there finds it interesting or helpful then that's even better.
It should also be noted that I may occasionally post about non-baked recipes since I am quite fond of making ice cream too.